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MDR-EU-2017-745-欧盟医疗器械法规 第三章

发表于 2020-5-11 13:59:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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MDR 推迟一年,原计划于2020年5月26日强制实施,推迟至2021年5月26日,由欧盟委员会2020年4月17日投票决议。


本周我们将分享MDR第三章 器械的标识和可追溯性、器械和经济运营商的登记、安全和临床性能总结、欧洲医疗器械数据库
第一章 范围及定义
第二章 器械的上市供应和投入使用、经济运营商的义务、再处理、CE标识、自由流通


Article 25 供应链中标识 Identification within the supply chain
1. 经销商和进口商应与制造商或授权代表合作,以实现器械适当水平的可追溯性。
Distributors and importers shall co-operate with manufacturers or authorised representatives to achieve an appropriate level of traceability of devices.
2. 在第10(8)条所述期限,经济运营商应能够向主管机构确定以下内容:
Economic operators shall be able to identify the following to the competent authority, for the period referred to in Article 10(8):
any economic operator to whom they have directly supplied a device;
any economic operator who has directly supplied them with a device;
any health institution or healthcare professional to which they have directly supplied a device.

Article 26 医疗器械的命名 Medical devices nomenclature
To facilitate the functioning of the European database on medical devices(‘Eudamed’) as referred to in Article 33, the Commission shall ensure that an internationally recognised medical devices nomenclature is available free of charge to manufacturers and other natural or legal persons required by this Regulation to use that nomenclature. The Commission shall also endeavour to ensure that that nomenclature is available to other stakeholders free of charge, where reasonably practicable.

Article 27 唯一器械标识系统 Unique DeviceIdentification system
The Unique Device Identification system (‘UDI system’) described in Part C of Annex VI shall allow the identification and facilitate the traceability of devices, other than custom-made and investigational devices, and shall consist of the following:
production of a UDI that comprises the following:
a UDI device identifier (‘UDI-DI’) specific to a manufacturer and a device,providing access to the information laid down in Part B of Annex VI;
a UDI production identifier (‘UDI-PI’) that identifies the unit of device production and if applicable the packaged devices, as specified in Part C of Annex VI;
placing of the UDI on the label of the device or on its packaging;
storage of the UDI by economic operators, health institutions and healthcare professionals, in accordance with the conditions laid down in paragraphs 8 and 9 of this Article respectively;
establishment of an electronic system for Unique Device Identification (‘UDI database’)in accordance with Article 28.
2.The Commission shall, by means of implementing acts, designate one or several entities to operate a system for assignment of UDIs pursuant to this Regulation (‘issuing entity’). That entity or those entities shall satisfy all of the following criteria:
the entity is an organisation with legal personality;
its system for the assignment of UDIs is adequate to identify a device throughout its distribution and use in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation;
its system for the assignment of UDIs conforms to the relevant international standards;
the entity gives access to its system for the assignment of UDIs to all interested users in accordance with a set of predetermined and transparent terms and conditions;
该实体做出以下几点承诺:the entity undertakes to do the following;
operateits system for the assignment of UDIs for at least 10 years after its designation;
make available to the Commission and to the Member States, upon request,information concerning its system for the assignment of UDIs;
remainin compliance with the criteria for designation and the terms of designation.
When designating issuing entities, the Commission shall endeavour to ensure that UDI carriers,as defined in Part C of Annex VI, are universally readable regardless of the system used by the issuing entity, with a view to minimising financial and administrative burdens for economic operators and health institutions.
Before placing a device, other than a custom-made device, on the market, the manufacturer shall assign to the device and, if applicable, to all higher levels of packaging, a UDI created in compliance with the rules of the issuing entity designated by the Commission in accordance with paragraph 2.
在将器械(除了定制器械或临床研究器械外)投放于市场前, ,放置在市场上制造商应确保信息在附件 VI B部分涉及的设备正确提交并转移到本法第二十八条UDI数据库
Beforea device, other than a custom-made or investigational device, is placed on the market the manufacturer shall ensure that the information referred to in Part B of Annex VI of the device in question are correctly submitted and transferred to the UDI database referred to in Article 28
UDI carriers shall be placed on the label of the device and on all higher levels of packaging. Higher levels of packaging shall not be understood to include shipping containers.
5.  根据第87条,UDI应用于报告严重事件和现场安全纠正措施。
The UDI shall be used for reporting serious incidents and field safety corrective actions in accordance with Article 87.
6. 第19条所述的欧盟符合性声明应载明该器械的基本UDI-DI(定义见附录VI第C部分)。
The Basic UDI-DI, as defined in Part C of Annex VI, of the device shall appearon the EU declaration of conformity referred to in Article 19.
7.  制造商应及时更新所有应用UDI的清单作为附录II中所述技术文件的一部分。
Aspart of the technical documentation referred to in Annex II, the manufacturer shall keep up-to-date a list of all UDIs that it has assigned.
8.  经济运营商最好应以电子方式存储和保存其所供应或所接受的器械UDI,若这些器械属于:
Economic operators shall store and keep, preferably by electronic means, the UDI of the devices which they have supplied or with which they have been supplied, if those devices belong to:
III类植入式器械;class III implantable devices;
the devices, categories or groups of devices determined by a measure referred to in point (a) of paragraph 11.
9. 若这些器械属于III类植入式器械,则医疗机构应优先以电子方式存储和保持其所供应或接受的器械UDI。
Health institutions shall store and keep preferably by electronic means the UDI of the devices which they have supplied or with which they have been supplied, if those devices belong to class III implantable devices.
For devices other than class III implantable devices, Member States shall encourage, and may require, health institutions to store and keep, preferably by electronic means, the UDI of the devices with which they have been supplied.
Member States shall encourage, and may require, healthcare professionals to store and keep preferably by electronic means, the UDI of the devices with which they have been supplied with.
10.  委员会应有权根据第115条通过以下授权法案:
The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 115:
a mending the list of information set out in Part B of Annex VI in the light of technical progress; and
a mending Annex VI in the light of international developments and technical progress in the field of Unique Device Identification.
11. 委员会可通过实施细则规定模式及程序,以确保以下任何几个方面的唯一器械标识系统的协调适用:
The Commission may, by means of implementing acts, specify the detailed arrangements and the procedural aspects for the UDI system with a view to ensuring its harmonised application in relation to any of the following:
determining the devices, categories or groups of devices to which the obligation laid down in paragraph 8 is to apply;
specifying the data to be included in the UDI-PI of specific devices or device groups;
The implementing acts referred to in the first subparagraph shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 114(3).
12. 采用第11段所述措施时,委员会应考虑以下事项:
When adopting the measures referred to in paragraph 11, the Commission shall take into account all of the following:
confidentiality and data protection as referred to in Articles 109 and 110 respectively;
the risk-based approach;
the cost-effectiveness of the measures;
the convergence of UDI systems developed at international level;
the need to avoid duplications in the UDI system;
the needs of the healthcare systems of the Member States, and where possible, compatibility with other medical device identification systems that are used by stakeholders.

Article 28 UDI数据库 UDI database
1. 委员会应与MDCG商议后设立和管理一个UDI数据库,以验证、整理、处理附录VI第B部分所述信息,并向公众公布此等信息。
The Commission, after consulting the MDCG shall set up and manage a UDI database to validate, collate, process and make available to the public the information mentioned in Part B of Annex VI.
2. 设计UDI数据库时,委员会应考虑在附录VI第C部分第5节说明的UDI数据库的一般原则。UDI数据库设计应特别满足无UDI-PI且其中无商业机密产品信息。
When designing the UDI database, the Commission shall take into account the general principles set out in Section 5 of Part C of Annex VI. The UDI database shall be designed in particular such that no UDI-PIs and no commercially confidential product information can be included therein.
3. 附录VI第B部分中所述的UDI数据库核心数据元素应免费向公众开放。
The core data elements to be provided to the UDI database, referred to in Part B of Annex VI, shall be accessible to the public free of charge.
4. 电子系统的技术设计应保证存储在UDI数据库信息的最大可用性,并允许多个使用者访问和自动上传和下载信息。委员会应对UDI数据库的制造商和其他使用者提供技术和管理支持。
The technical design of the UDI database shall ensure maximum accessibility to information stored therein, including multi-user access and automatic uploads and downloads of that information. The Commission shall provide for technical and administrative support to manufacturers and other users of the UDIdatabase.

Article 29 器械注册 Registration of devices
1. 在市场上投放一个非定制器械时,制造商应遵守第27(2)条所述的发行实体的规则,向器械分配附录VI第C部分定义的基本UDI – DI并将其与附录VI第B部分中所述的相关器械的其他核心数据要素提交给UDI数据库。
Before placing a device, other than a custom-made device, on the market, the manufacturer shall, in accordance with the rules of the issuing entity referred to in Article 27(2), assign a Basic UDI-DI asdefined in Part C of Annex VI to the device and shall provide it to the UDI database together with the other core data elements referred to in Part B of Annex VI related to that device.
2.  根据第22(1)和(3)条,在市场投放一个非定制器械的系统或手术包,责任自然人或法人应按照指定发行实体的规则,向系统或手术包分配基本UDI– DI,并将其与在附录VI第B部分中定义的相关系统或手术包的其他核心数据要素一并提交至UDI数据库。
Before placing on the market a system or procedure pack pursuant to Article 22(1) and(3), that is not a custom- made device, the natural or legal person responsible shall assign to the system or procedure pack, in compliance with the rules of the issuing entity, a Basic UDI-DI and shall provide it to the UDI database together with the other core data elements referred to in Part B of Annex VI related to that system or procedure pack.
3.  对于经过第52(3)条或第52(4)条第二和第三子段中符合性评估的器械,在器械投放市场前,制造商应在公告机构运用符合性评估流程前向器械分配基本的UDI– DI前向器械分配一个本条第1段中所述的UDI-DI。
For devices that are the subject of a conformity assessment as referred to in Article 52(3) and in the secondand third subparagraphs of Article 52(4), the assignment of a Basic UDI-DI referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be done before the manufacturer applies to a notified body for that assessment.
For the devices referred to in the first subparagraph, the notified body shall include a reference to the Basic UDI-DI on the certificate issued in accordance with point (a) of Section 4 of Chapter I of Annex XII and confirm in Eudamed that the information referred to in Section 2.2 of Part A of Annex VI is correct. After the issuing of the relevant certificate and before placing the device on the market, the manufacturer shall provide the Basic UDI-DI to the UDI database together with the other core data elements referred to in Part B of Annex VI related to that device.
4. 将非定制器械投放在市场之前,制造商应提交或者若已提交,验证附录VI第A部分第2节(第2..2节除外)中所述的Eudamed资料并应及时更新。
Before placing a device on the market, other than a custom-made device, the manufacturer shall enter or if, already provided, verify in Eudamed the information referred to in Section 2 of Part A of Annex VI, with the exception of Section 2.2 thereof, and shall there after keep the information updated.

Article 30 经济营运商注册电子系统 Electronic system forregistration of economic operators
1.  在咨询MDCG后,委员会应建立并管理电子系统以创建第31(2)条所述的单一注册号整理及加工识别制造商及(如适用)授权代表及进口商的必要且相应的资料。有关经济营运商提供至电子系统的资料详情载于附录VI第A部分第1节。
The Commission, after consulting the MDCG, shall set up and manage an electronic system to create the single registration number referred to in Article 31 (2) and to collate and process information that is necessary and proportionate to identify the manufacturer and, where applicable, the authorised representative and the importer. The details regarding the information to be provided to that electronic system by the economic operators are laid down in Section 1 ofPart A of Annex VI.
2. 成员国可维持或引用有关其领土范围内允许使用的器械的经销商注册的国家规定。
Member States may maintain or introduce national provisions on registration of distributors of devices which have been made available on their territory.
3.  非定制器械投放市场两周内,进口商应核实制造商或授权代表已将第1段中所述的资料提交至电子系统中。
Within two weeks of placing a device, other than a custom-made device, on the market, importers shall verify that the manufacturer or authorised representative has provided to the electronic system the information referred to in paragraph 1.
Where applicable, importers shall inform the relevant authorised representative or manufacturer if the information referred to in paragraph 1 is not included or is incorrect. Importers shall add their details to the relevant entry/entries.

Article 31制造商、授权代表和进口商的注册Registration ofmanufacturers,authorised representatives and importers
Before placing a device, other than a custom-made device, on the market, manufacturers, authorised representatives and importers shall, in order to register, submit to the electronic system referred to in Article 30 the information referred to in Section 1 of Part A of Annex VI, provided that they have not already registered in accordance with this Article. In cases where the conformity assessment procedure requires the involvement of anotified body pursuant to Article 52, the information referred to in Section 1of Part A of Annex VI shall be provided to that electronic system before applying to the notified body.
After having verified the data entered pursuant to paragraph 1, the competent authority shall obtain a single registration number (‘SRN’) from the electronic system referred to in Article 30 and issue it to the manufacturer, the authorised representative or the importer.
The manufacturer shall use the SRN when applying to a notified body for conformity assessment and for accessing Eudamed in order to fulfil its obligations under Article 29.
Within one week of any change occurring in relation to the information referred to inparagraph 1 of this Article, the economic operator shall update the data in the electronic system referred to in Article 30.
Not later than one year after submission of the information in accordance with paragraph 1, and every second year thereafter, the economic operator shall confirm the accuracy of the data. In the event of a failure to do so within six months of those deadlines, any Member State may take appropriate corrective measures within its territory until that economic operator complies with that obligation.
Without prejudice to the economic operator's responsibility for the data, the competent authority shall verify the confirmed data referred to in Section 1 of Part A of Annex VI.
The data entered pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article in the electronic system referred to in Article 30 shall be accessible to the public.
The competent authority may use the data to charge the manufacturer, the authorised representative or the importer a fee pursuant to Article 111.

Article 32安全和临床性能总结 Summary of safety andclinical performance
For implantable devices and for class III devices, other than custom-made or investigational devices, the manufacturer shall draw up a summary of safety and clinical performance.
The summary of safety and clinical performance shall be written in a way that is clear to the intended user and, if relevant, to the patient and shall be made available to the public via Eudamed
The draft of the summary of safety and clinical performance shall be part of the documentation to be submitted to the notified body involved in the conformity assessment pursuant to Article 52 and shall be validated by that body. After its validation, the notified body shall upload the summary to Eudamed.The manufacturer shall mention on the label or instructions for use where the summary is available.
2.  安全和临床性能总结应至少包括以下方面:
The summary of safety and clinical performance shall include at least the following aspects:
器械和制造商标识,包括基本UDI- DI和SRN(如已发布);
the identification of the device and the manufacturer, including the Basic UDI-DI and, if already issued, the SRN;
the intended purpose of the device and any indications,contraindications and target populations
a description of the device, including a reference to previous generation(s) or variants if such exist, and a description of the differences, as well as, where relevant, a description of any accessories, other devices and products, which are intended to be used in combination with the device;
possible diagnostic or the rapeutic alternatives;
reference to any harmonised standards and CS applied;
thesummary of clinical evaluation as referred to in Annex XIV, and relevant information on post-market clinical follow-up;
suggested profile and training for users;
information on any residual risks and any undesirable effects, warnings and precautions.
3.  委员会可通过实施细则,载列将纳入安全和临床性能总结的数据元素的形式及声明。应按照第114(2)条中述及的咨询规程通过这些实施细则。
The Commission may, by means of implementing acts, set out the form and the presentation of the data elements to be included in the summary of safety and clinical performance. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 114(2).

Article 33 欧洲医疗器械数据库 European database onmedical devices
The Commission, after consulting the MDCG, shall set up, maintain and manage the European database on medical devices (‘Eudamed’) for the following purposes:
to enable the public to be adequately informed about devices placed on the market,the corresponding certificates issued by notified bodies and about the relevant economic operators;
to enable unique identification of devices within the internal market and to facilitate their traceability;
to enable the public to be adequately informed about clinical investigations and to enable sponsors of clinical investigations to comply with obligations under Articles 62 to 80, Article 82, and any acts adopted pursuant toArticle 81;
to enable manufacturers to comply with the information obligations laid down in Articles 87 to 90 or in any acts adopted pursuant to Article 91;
to enable the competent authorities of the Member States and the Commission to carry out their tasks relating to this Regulation on a well-informed basisand to enhance the cooperation between them.
Eudamed shall include the following electronic systems:
(a)    在第29(4)条中所述器械注册电子系统;
the electronic system for registration of devices referred to in Article 29(4);
(b)   第28条所指的UDI数据库;
the UDI-database referred to in Article 28;
(c)    在第30条中所述的经济运营商电子登记系统;
the electronic system on registration of economic operators referred to in Article 30;
(d)   在第57条中所述的认证机构和证书电子系统;
the electronic system on notified bodies and oncertificates referred to in Article 57;
(e)    在第73条中所述的临床研究电子系统;
the electronic system on clinical investigations referred to in Article 73;
(f)    第92条所指的警戒和上市后监管电子系统;
the electronic system on vigilance and post-market surveillance referred to in Article 92;
(g)   第100条所指的市场监管电子系统。
the electronic system on market surveillance referred to in Article 100.
3.  设计Eudamed时,委员会应充分考虑国家数据库和国家网络接口的兼容性以允许数据的输入和输出。
When designing Eudamed the Commission shall give due consideration to compatibility with national databases and national web-interfaces to allow for import and export of data.
4.  应由成员国、认证机构、经济运营商和申办方,根据第2段中所述电子系统的规定,将数据录入Eudamed。委员会应向Eudamed使用者提供技术和行政支持。
The data shall be entered into Eudamed by the Member States, notified bodies,economic operators and sponsors as specified in the provisions on the electronic systems referred to in paragraph 2. The Commission shall provide for technical and administrative support to users of Eudamed.
5.  Eudamed整理并加工所有信息,应可供成员国和委员会访问。第2段所述有关电子系统规定中定义的范围内,向认证机构、经济运营商、申办方和公众应可访问该信息。
All the information collated and processed by Eudamed shall be accessible to the Member States and to the Commission. The information shall be accessible to notified bodies, economic operators, sponsors and the public to the extents pecified in the provisions on the electronic systems referred to in paragraph 2
The Commission shall ensure that publicparts of Eudamed are presented in a user-friendly and easily-searchable format.
6. Eudamed所包含的个人数据,应当方便本条第2段中所述电子系统根据本法规规定进行整理和处理。个人数据的保存形式应能够使数据主体标识时间不长于第10(8)条所述期限。
Eudamed shall contain personal data only insofar as necessary for the electronic systems referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article to collate andprocess information in accordance with this Regulation. Personal data shall bekept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for periods nolonger than those referred to in Article 10(8).
7. 委员会和成员国应当确保数据主体可分别按照欧洲委员会第45/2001号法规和第95/46/EC号指令,有效行使其知情权以及获取、纠正和反对的权利。其应确保数据主体能够有效地行使与其有关的数据访问权,并有权纠正或删除不准确或不完整的数据。在各自的职责范围内,委员会和各成员国应确保按照适用的法律删除不准确的和非法处理的数据。应尽快进行更正和删除,但不得迟于数据主体提出请求后60天。
The Commission and the Member States shall ensure that data subjects may effectively exercise their rights to information, of access, to rectificationand to object in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Directive 95/46/EC, respectively. They shall also ensure that datasubjects may effectively exercise the right of access to data relating to them,and the right to have inaccurate or incomplete data corrected and erased.Within their respective responsibilities, the Commission and the Member States shall ensure that inaccurate and unlawfully processed data are deleted, in accordance with the applicable legislation. Corrections anddeletions shall be carried out as soon as possible, but no later than 60 days after a request is made by a data subject.
8. 委员会应通过实施细则,以制定设立和维护Eudamed所必需的形式。应按照第114(3)条中述及的审查规程通过这些实施细则。当采纳这些实施细则时,委员会应尽可能确保系统的开发能够在同一模块或系统的不同模块内-输入同一资料两次。
The Commission shall, by means of implementing acts, lay down the detailed arrangements necessary for the setting up and maintenance of Eudamed. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 114(3). When adopting those implementing acts, theCommission shall ensure that, as far as possible, the system is developed insuch a way as to avoid having to enter the same information twice within the samemodule or in different modules of the system.
9.  关于其在本条下的责任和其中所涉及个人数据的处理,应将委员会视为Eudamed及其电子系统的控制者。
Inrelation to its responsibilities under this Article and the processing of personal data involved therein, the Commission shall be considered to be the controller of Eudamed and its electronic systems
Article 34 Eudamed的功能 Functionalityof Eudamed
The Commission shall, in collaboration with the MDCG, draw up the functional specifications for Eudamed. The Commission shall draw up a plan for the implementation of those specifications by 26 May 2018. That plan shall seek toensure that Eudamed is fully functional at a date that allows the Commission to publish the notice referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article by 25 March 2020 and that all other relevant deadlines laid down in Article 123of this Regulation and in Article 113 ofRegulation (EU) 2017/746 are met.
The Commission shall, on the basis of an independent audit report, inform the MDCG when it has verified that Eudamed has achieved full functionality and Eudamed meets the functional specifications drawn up pursuant to paragraph 1.
The Commission shall, after consultation with the MDCG and when it is satisfied that the conditions referred to in paragraph 2 have been fulfilled,publish a notice to that effect in the Official Journal of the European Union.


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