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ISO 14971:2019 风险管理的应用

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Medical devices — Application of riskmanagement to medical devices


Foreword 前言

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

ISO(国际标准化组织)是国家标准机构(ISO 成员机构)的全球联合会。制定国际标准的工作通常是通过 ISO 技术委员会来进行的。对建立 了技术委员会的主题感兴趣的每个成员机构均有权代表该委员会。与 ISO 联络的国际组织,政府和非政府国际组织也参加了这项工作。在电子技术标准化的所有问题上,ISO 与国际电子技术委员会(IEC)紧密合作。

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see w w w.iso.org/directives).

ISO / IEC 指令第 1 部分中描述了本标准的过程以及打算进一 步维护的过程。特别是,应注意不同类型的 ISO 文档所需的不同批准标准。本标准按照 ISO/IEC的编辑规则起草,第 2 部分(请参阅www.iso.org/patents)。

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see w w w.iso.org/patents).

请注意,本标准的某些内容可能涉及到专利权。ISO 不承担识别任何或所有此类专利权的责任。本标准所设计的的任何专利权的详细信息将在导言中和/或ISO收到的专利声明清单中(请参阅www.iso.org/patents)。

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.

For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see w w w.iso.org/ iso/foreword.html.

有关标准的自愿性质的解释,与合格评定有关的 ISO 特定术语和表达的含义,以及有关 ISO 遵守《技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)中的世界贸易组织(WTO)原则》的信息,请访问 w w w.iso.org/ iso/foreword.html.

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 210, Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices, and IEC/SC 62A, Common aspects of electrical equipment used in medical practice.
本文档由 ISO / TC 210 技术委员会(医疗设备的质量管理和相应的一般方面)和 IEC / SC 62A(医疗实践中使用的电气设备的常见方面)编写。

This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 14971:2007), which has been technically revised. The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
第三版取消并替代了经过技术修订的第二版(ISO 14971:2007)。与 上一版本相比的主要变化如下:

— A clause on normative references has been included, in order to respect the requirements for fixed in Clause 15 of ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2:2018.
— 为了遵守 ISO / IEC 指令第 2 部分 2018 年第 15 条中规定的要求, 已包含有关规范性引用的条款

— The defined terms are updated and many are derived from ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019. Defined terms are printed in italic to assist the reader in identifying them in the body of the document.
— 定义的术语已更新,其中许多术语源自 ISO / IEC 指南 63:2019。定义的术语以斜体显示,以帮助读者在本标准的正文中进行识别。

— Definitions of benefit, reasonably foreseeable misuse and state of the art have been introduced.
— 介绍了受益,合理可预见的误用和现有技术水平的定义。

— More attention is given to the benefits that are expected from the use of the medical device. The term
benefit-risk analysis has been aligned with terminology used in some regulations.
— 更加关注使用医疗设备所带来的受益。术语“ 受益 - 风险分析”已 与某些法规中使用的术语保持一致。

— It is explained that the process described in ISO 14971 can be used for managing risks associated
with medical devices, including those related to data and systems security.
— 介绍了 ISO 14971 中描述的过程可用于管理医疗器械相关的风险, 包括与数据和系统安全性相关的风险。

— The method for the evaluation of the overall residual risk and the criteria for its acceptability are required to be defined in the risk management plan. The method can include gathering and reviewing data and literature for the medical device and for similar medical devices and similar other products on the market. The criteria for the acceptability of the overall residual risk can be different from the criteria for acceptability of individual risks.

— 要求在风险管理计划中定义评估总体剩余风险的方法及其可接受性的标准。该方法可以包括收集和评估市场上同类产品以及同类的其他产品的文献和数据。总体剩余风险的可接受性标准可以不同于单个风险的可接受性标准。

— The requirements to disclose residual risks have been moved and merged into one requirement, after the overall residual risk has been evaluated and judged acceptable.
— 要求关于评估并判定总体剩余风险为可接受之后,剩余风被控制并合并为一项要求。

— The review before commercial distribution of the medical device concerns the execution of the risk management plan. The results of the review are documented as the risk management report.
— 医疗器械销售前应评审所执行风险管理计划,其评审结果应记录与风险管理报告中。

— The requirements for production and post-production activities have been clarified and restructured. More detail is given on the information to be collected and the actions to be taken when the collected information has been reviewed and determined to be relevant to safety
— 对生产和生产后活动的要求进行阐明和调整。当评审和判定医疗器械的安全性需要收集更多的信息及采取更多的控制活动。

— Several informative annexes are moved to the guidance in ISO/TR 24971, which has been revised in parallel. More information and a rationale for the requirements in this third edition of ISO 14971 have been provided in Annex A. The correspondence between the clauses of the second edition and those of this third edition is given in Annex B.

— 将一些资料性附录移至ISO / TR 24971 指南中进行合并。附件 A 中提供了更多有关该 ISO 14971 第三版要求的信息和理由。附件 B 中给出了第二版和第三版的对应关系。

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete listing of these bodies can be found at w w w.iso.org/members.html.
对本标准的任何反馈或问题应直接发送给该用户的国家标准机构。这些机构的完整列表,可在以下网址查询w w w.iso.org/members.html


The requirements contained in this document provide manufacturers with a framework within which experience, insight and judgment are applied systematically to manage the risks associated with the use of medical devices.

This document was developed specifically for manufacturers of medical devices on the basis of established principles of risk management that have evolved over many years. This document could be used as guidance in developing and maintaining a risk management process for other products that are not necessarily medical devices in some jurisdictions and for suppliers and other parties involved in the medical device life cycle.

本标准专门开发的厂家的医疗器械的既定原则的基础上,风险管理 已经发展了很多年。在某些辖区中不一定是医疗器械的其他产品以及医疗器械生命周期中涉及的供应商和其他各方,本文档可以用作开发和维 护风险管理过程的指南。

This document deals with processes for managing risks associated with medical devices. Risks can be related to injury, not only to the patient, but also to the user and other persons. Risks can also be related to damage to property (for example objects, data, other equipment) or the environment.

Risk management is a complex subject because each stakeholder can place a different value on the acceptability of risks in relation to the anticipated benefits. The concepts of risk management are particularly important in relation to medical devices because of the variety of stakeholders including medical practitioners, the organizations providing health care, governments, industry, patients and members of the public.


It is generally accepted that the concept of risk has two key components:

— the probability of occurrence of harm; and
— 发生损害的可能性;

— the consequences of that harm, that is, how severe it might be.
— 这种损害的后果,即损害的严重程度。

All stakeholders need to understand that the use of a medical device involves an inherent degree of risk, even after the risks have been reduced to an acceptable level. It is well known that in the context of a clinical procedure some residual risks remain. The acceptability of a risk to a stakeholder is influenced by the key components listed above and by the stakeholder’s perception of the risk and the benefit. Each stakeholder’s perception can vary depending upon their cultural background, the socio-economic and educational background of the society concerned and the actual and perceived state of health of the patient. The way a risk is perceived also takes into account other factors, for example, whether exposure to the hazard or hazardous situation seems to be involuntary, avoidable, from a man-made source, due to negligence, arising from a poorly understood cause, or directed at a vulnerable group within society.

所有利益相关者都需要了解,即使将风险降低到可接受的水平,使用医疗器械也会带来固有的风险。众所周知,在临床过程中仍然存在一些残留风险。利益相关者对风险的接受标准会受到上面列出的关键组成部分的风险可接受性及利益相关者自身对风险和受益的认知的影响。每个利益相关者的认知可能会 因其文化背景,社会经济和教育背景以及患者的实际情况和感知的健康状况而异。感知风险的方式还考虑了其他因素,例如,由于疏忽,理解不充分导致的对社会中的弱势群体暴露于危害和危害处境中,是非自愿的,可避免的,人为的。

As one of the stakeholders, the manufacturer reduces risks and makes judgments relating to the safety of a medical device, including the acceptability of residual risks. The manufacturer takes into account the generally acknowledged state of the art, in order to determine the suitability of a medical device to be placed on the market for its intended use. This document specifies a process through which the manufacturer of a medical device can identify hazards associated with the medical device, estimate and evaluate the risks associated with these hazards, control these risks, and monitor the effectiveness of the controls throughout the life cycle of the medical device.


The decision to use a medical device in the context of a particular clinical procedure requires the residual risks to be balanced against the anticipated benefits of the procedure. Such decisions are beyond the scope of this document and take into account the intended use, the circumstances of use, the performance and risks associated with the medical device, as well as the risks and benefits associated with the clinical procedure. Some of these decisions can be made only by a qualified medical practitioner with knowledge of the state of health of an individual patient or the patient’s own opinion.

在特定的临床程序中使用医疗器械的决定要求将剩余风险与该程序的预期收益进行权衡。此类决定超出了本标准的范围,考虑了预期用途,使用环境,与医疗设备相关的性能和风险以及与临床程序相关的风险和收益, 这些决定中的某些决定只能由合格的医生根据个体患者的健康状况或患者的个人意见做出。

For any particular medical device, other standards or regulations could require the application of specific methods for managing risk. In those cases, it is necessary to also follow the requirements  outlined in those documents.

The  verbal  forms  used  in  this  document  conform  to  the  usage  described  in  Clause  7  of  the   ISO/
IEC Directives, Part 2:2018. For the purposes of this document, the auxiliary verb:
本标准中使用的语言形式符合ISO /IEC指令,第2部分2018第7条。本标准中的辅助动词:
— “shall” means that compliance with a requirement or a test is mandatory for compliance with this
— “should” means that compliance with a requirement or a test is recommended but is not mandatory for compliance with this document;
— “may” is used to describe permission (e.g. a permissible way to achieve compliance with a requirement or test);
— “can” is used to express possibility and capability; and
—    “must” is used to express an external constraint that is not a requirement of the document.

1 Scope


This document specifies terminology, principlesand a process for risk management of medical devices, including software as amedical device and in vitro diagnostic medical devices. The process describedin this document intends to assist manufacturers of medical devices to identify the hazards associated with the medical device, to estimate and evaluate the associated risks, to control these risks, and to monitor the effectiveness of the controls.


The requirements of this document areapplicable to all phases of the life cycle of a medical device. The process described in this document applies to risks associated with a medical device,such as risks related to biocompatibility, data and systems security,electricity, moving parts, radiation, and usability.


The process described in this document canalso be applied to products that are not necessarily medical devices in some jurisdictions and can also be used by others involved in the medical devicelife cycle.


This document does not apply to:


—  decisions on the use of a medical device in the context of anyparticular clinical procedure; or


—   business risk management.


This document requires manufacturers to establish objective criteria for risk acceptability but does not specify acceptable risklevels.


Risk management can be an integral part ofa quality management system. However, this document does not require the manufacturer to have a quality management system in place.


NOTE Guidance on the application of thisdocument can be found in ISO/TR 24971[9].

注:本标准的应用指南参见 ISO / TR 24971 [ 9 ]。

2  Normativereferences


There are no normative references in thisdocument.


3  Termsand definitions


For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions  apply.


ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following  addresses:

ISO 和 IEC 在以下地址维护用于标准化的术语数据库

—   ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// w w w.iso.org/obp

ISO 在线浏览平台:https://www.iso.org/obp

—   IECElectropedia: available at http:// w w w.electropedia.org/

3.1  accompanying documentation


materials accompanying a medical device(3.10) and containing information for the user or those accountable for theinstallation, use, maintenance, decommissioning and disposal of the medicaldevice (3.10), particularly regarding safe use


Note 1 to entry: The accompanying documentation can consist of the instructions for use, technical description,installation manual, quick reference guide, etc.

注1:随附的文档可以包括使用说明书,技术说明,安装手册,快 速参考指南等。

Note 2 to entry: Accompanying documentationis not necessarily a written or printed document but could involve auditory,visual, or tactile materials and multiple media types.


3.2 Benefit


positive impact or desirable outcome of theuse of a medical device (3.10) on the health of an individual, or a positiveimpact on patient management or public health


Note 1 to entry: Benefits can includepositive impact on clinical outcome, the patient’s quality of life, outcomesrelated to diagnosis, positive impact from diagnostic devices on clinicaloutcomes, or positive impact on public health.


3.3 Harm


injury or damage to the health of people,or damage to property or the environment

[SOURCE来源: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.1]


3.4 Hazard


potential source of harm (3.3)


[SOURCE来源: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.2]

3.5 hazardous situation


circumstance in which people, property or the environment is/are exposed to one or more hazards (3.4)


Note 1 to entry: See Annex C for anexplanation of the relationship between hazard and hazardous situation.


[SOURCE来源: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.3,modified — Note 1 to entry added.]

3.6 intended use  intended purpose

预期用途  预期目的

use for which a product, process (3.14) orservice is intended according to the specifications, instructions andinformation provided by the manufacturer (3.9)


Note 1 to entry: The intended medicalindication, patient population, part of the body or type of tissue interactedwith, user profile, use environment, and operating principle are typical elements of the intended use.

注1:预期的医学适应症,患者人群,身体部位或组织类 型,用户资料,使用环境和操作原理是预期用途的关键要素。

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.4]

3.7 in vitro diagnostic medical device   IVDmedical device

体外诊断医疗器械   IVD医疗器械

device, whether used alone or incombination, intended by the manufacturer (3.9) for the in vitro examination ofspecimens derived from the human body solely or principally to provide information for diagnostic, monitoring or compatibility purposes and including reagents, calibrators, control materials, specimen receptacles, software, andrelated instruments or apparatus or other articles


[SOURCE: ISO 18113-1:2009, 3.27, modified —NOTE deleted.]

3.8 life cycle


series of all phases in the life of amedical device (3.10), from the initial conception to final decommissioning anddisposal


[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.5]

3.9 Manufacturer


natural or legal person with responsibility for the design and/or manufacture of a medical device (3.10) with the intention of making the medical device (3.10) available for use, under his name, whetheror not such a medical device (3.10) is designed and/or manufactured by thatperson himself or on his behalf by another person(s)


Note 1 to entry: The natural or legalperson has ultimate legal responsibility for ensuring compliance with allapplicable regulatory requirements for the medical device in the countries or jurisdictions where it is inten

ded to be made available or sold, unless thisresponsibility is specifically imposed on another person by the Regulatory Authority (RA) within that jurisdiction.


Note 2 to entry: The manufacturer’s responsibilities are described in other GHTF guidance documents. These responsibilities include meeting both pre-market requirements and post-market requirements, such as adverse event reporting and notification of correctiveactions.


Note 3 to entry:  “Design and/or  manufacture” may  include specification development, production, fabrication, assembly, processing, packaging, repackaging,labelling, relabeling, sterilization, installation, or remanufacturing of amedical device; or putting a collection of devices, and possibly otherproducts, together for a medical purpose.

注3:“设计和/或制造”可以包括医疗器械的规格设计,生产,制造, 组装,加工,包装,重新包装,贴标签,重新贴标签,灭菌,安装或再 制造;或将一组设备以及可能的其他产品放在一起以用于医疗目的。

Note 4 to entry: Any person who assemblesor adapts a medical device that has already been supplied by another person for an individual patient, in accordance with the instructions for use, is not themanufacturer, provided the assembly or adaptation does not change the intendeduse of the medical device.


Note 5 to entry: Any person who changes theintended use of, or modifies, a medical device without acting on behalf of theoriginal manufacturer and who makes it available for use under his own name,should be considered the manufacturer of the modified medical device.

注5 :在未得到原始制造商的授权情况下以自己的名义对医疗器械进行更改,应被视为更改后的医疗器械的制造商。

Note 6 to entry: An authorised representative, distributor or importer who only adds its own address andcontact details to the medical device or the packaging, without covering or changing the existing labelling, is not considered a manufacturer.

进入注释 6:仅将自己的地址和联系方式添加到医疗器械或包装上,未粘贴现有标签或变更后的标签的授权代表,分销商或进口商,不能被视为制造商。

Note 7 to entry: To the extent that anaccessory is subject to the regulatory requirements of a medical device, the person responsible for the design and/or manufacture of that accessory is considered to be a manufacturer.

进入注释 7:在某种程度上,配件符合医疗器械的法规要求配合该医疗器械使用,负责该配件的设计和/或制造的人员应被视为制造商。

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.6]

3.10 medical device


instrument, apparatus, implement, machine,appliance, implant, reagent for in vitro use, software, material or other similar or related article, intended by the manufacturer (3.9) to be used,alone or in combination, for human beings, for one or more of the specificmedical purpose(s) of

制造商(3.9)打算单独或组合用于人体的一种仪器,仪器,工具,机器,器具,植入物,体外使用的试剂,软件,材料或其他类似或相关物品 或以上的特定医疗目的

—   diagnosis,prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease,

— diagnosis,monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury,

—   investigation,replacement, modification, or support of the anatomy or of a physiological process,

—   supporting or sustaining life,

—   controlof conception,

—   disinfection of medical devices (3.10),

—   providing information by means of in vitro examination of specimensderived from the human body,






— 医疗器械消毒(3.10),


and which does not achieve its primaryintended action by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, in or onthe human body, but which may be assisted in its function by such means


Note 1 to entry: Products which can beconsidered to be medical devices in some jurisdictions but not in others


注1:在某些司法管辖区可被视为医疗器械的产品,但在其他司法管 辖区则不包括:

—   disinfectionsubstances;

—   aidsfor persons with disabilities;

—   devicesincorporating animal and/or human tissues;

—   devicesfor in vitro fertilization or assisted reproduction technologies.

—   消毒物质;

—   残疾人辅助用品;

—   包含动物和/或人体组织的设备;

—   体外受精和/或人体组织的设备。

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.7]

3.11 objective evidence


data supporting the existence or verity ofsomething

Note 1 to entry: Objective evidence can beobtained through observation, measurement, test or by other means.

[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.3, modified —Note 2 to entry deleted.]


注1:可以通过观察,测量,测试或其他方式获得客观证据。[来源:ISO9000:2015,3.8.3,已修改-删除注 2。]

3.12 post-production


part ofthe life cycle (3.8) of the medical device (3.10) after the design has beencompleted and the medical device (3.10) has been manufactured

EXAMPLE Transportation,  storage, installation, product use,maintenance, repair, product changes, decommissioning and disposal.



3.13 Procedure


specified way to carry out an activity or aprocess (3.14) Note 1 to entry: Procedures can be documented or not. [SOURCE:ISO 9000:2015, 3.4.5]




3.14 Process


set of interrelated or interactingactivities that use inputs to deliver an intended  result


Note 1 to entry: Whether the “intendedresult” of a process is called output, product or service depends on thecontext of the reference.

注1:一个过程的“预期结果” 称为输出,产品还是服务,取决于引 用的上下文。

Note 2 to entry: Inputs to a process aregenerally the outputs of other processes and outputs of a process are generallythe inputs to other processes.


Note 3 to entry: Two or more interrelatedand interacting processes in series can also be referred to as a  process.

[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.4.1, modified —Notes to entry 4, 5 and 6 are deleted.]

注3:两个或多个相互关联且相互作用的过程也可以称为过程。[来源:ISO 9000:2015,3.4.1,已修改-删除条目 4、5 和 6 的注释。]

3.15 reasonably foreseeable misue


use of a product or system in a way notintended by the manufacturer (3.9), but which can result from readily predictable human behaviour


Note 1 to entry: Readily predictable human behaviour includes the behaviour of all types of users, e.g. lay and professionalusers.

注1:可预测的人为包括所有类型的用户的行为,例如非专业 和专业用户。

Note 2 to entry: Reasonably foreseeable  misuse can be intentional or unintentional.

[SOURCE:ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.8]

  注2: 合理预见的误用可能是有意的,也可能是无意的。

3.16 Record


document stating results achieved orproviding evidence of activities performed


Note 1 to entry: Records can be used, forexample, to formalize traceability and to provide evidence of verification,preventive action and corrective action.


Note 2 to entry: Generally records need notbe under revision  control.

[SOURCE:ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.10]

注2:通常,记录无需版本控制。[来源:ISO 9000:2015,3.8.10]

3.17 residual risk


risk remaining after risk control (3.21)measures have been implemented [SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.9]


[来源:ISO / IEC 指南 63:2019,3.9]

3.18 Risk


combination of the probability ofoccurrence of harm (3.3) and the severity (3.27) of that harm (3.3)

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.10,modified — Note 1 to entry deleted.]


[来源: ISO/IEC 指南 63:2019, 3.10, 已修改 — 注1 已删除.]

3.19 risk analysis


systematic use of available information toidentify hazards (3.4) and to estimate the risk (3.18)

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.11]


[来源: ISO/IEC 指南 63:2019, 3.11]

3.20 risk assessment


overall process (3.14) comprising a riskanalysis (3.19) and a risk evaluation (3.20)

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014, 3.11]


3.21 risk control


process (3.14) in which decisions are madeand measures implemented by which risks (3.18) are reduced to, or maintained within, specified levels

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.12]


3.22 risk estimation


process (3.14) used to assign values to theprobability of occurrence of harm (3.3) and the severity (3.27)

of that harm


[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.13]

3.23 risk evaluation


process (3.14) of comparing the estimated risk (3.18) against given risk (3.18) criteria to determine the acceptability of the risk (3.18)


[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.14]

3.24 risk management


systematic application of management policies, procedures (3.13) and practices to the tasks of analysing,evaluating, controlling and monitoring risk (3.18)


[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.15]

3.25 risk management file


set of records (3.16) and other documents that are produced by risk management (3.24)


3.26 Safety


freedom from unacceptable risk (3.18)


[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.10]

3.27 Severity


measure of the possible consequences of ahazard (3.4)


[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.17]

3.28 state of the art


developed stage of technical capability ata given time as regards products, processes (3.14) and services, based on therelevant consolidated findings of science, technology and  experience


Note 1 to entry: Tently and generally accepted as good practice in technology and medicine. The state of the art doesnot necessarily imply the most technologically advanced solution. The state ofthe art described here is sometimes referred to as the “generally acknowledged state of the art”. The state of the art embodies what is curr.


[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.18]

3.29 top management


person or group of people who directs and controls a manufacturer (3.9) at the highest level


[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.1.1, modified —“An organization” replaced by “a manufacturer”,组织替换为制造商 Notes to entry deleted.注释已删除]

3.30 use error


user action or lack of user action while using the medical device (3.10) that leads to a different result than that intended by the manufacturer (3.9) or expected by the user


Note 1 to entry: Use error includes theinability of the user to complete a task.


Note 2 to entry: Use errors can result froma mismatch between the characteristics of the user, user interface, task, oruse environment.


Note 3 to entry: Users might be aware or unaware that a use error has occurred.


Note 4 to entry: An unexpected physiological response of the patient is not by itself considered use  error.


Note 5 to entry: A malfunction of a medicals not considered a use error.device that causes an unexpected result i


[SOURCE: IEC 62366-1:2015, 3.21, modified —Note 6 to entry deleted.]

3.31 Verification


confirmation, through the provision ofobjective evidence (3.11), that specified requirements have been fulfilled


Note 1 to entry: The objective evidence needed for a verification can be the result of an inspection or of other formsof determination such as performing alternative calculations or reviewing  documents.


Note 2 to entry: The activities carried outfor verification are sometimes called a qualification process.


Note 3 to entry: The word “verified” isused to designate the corresponding  status.


[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.19]

4 General requirements for risk management system


4.1 Riskmanagement process


The manufacturer shall establish,implement, document and maintain an ongoing process for:


a)    identifying hazards and hazardous situations associated with a medical device;


b)    estimating and evaluating the associated risks;


c)    controlling these risks, and


d)    monitoring the effectiveness of the risk control measures.


This process shall apply throughout the life cycle of the medical device.


This process shall include the following elements:


—   riskanalysis;


—   riskevaluation;

—   风险评估

—   riskcontrol; and


—   productionand post-production activities.


Where a documented product realizationprocess exists, it shall incorporate the appropriate parts of the risk management process.


NOTE 1 Product realization processes are described in, for example, Clause 7 ofISO  13485:2016[5].

注1:产品实现过程在ISO 13485:2016 [5]的第7条中有所描述。

NOTE 2 A documented process within aquality management system can be used to address safety in a systematic manner,in particular to enable the early identification of hazards and hazardous situations in complex medical devices.


NOTE 3 A schematic representation of therisk management process is shown in Figure 1. Depending on the specific lifecycle phase, individual elements of risk management can have varying emphasis.Also, risk management activities can be performed iteratively or in multiple steps as appropriate to the medical device. Annex B contains  a more detailed overview of the steps in therisk management process.


Compliance is checked by inspection of the appropriate documents.


Figure 1 — A schematic representation ofthe risk management process


4.2 Managementresponsibilities


Top management shall provide evidence ofits commitment to the risk management process by ensuring:


—   the provision of adequate resources; and


— the assignment of competent personnel (see 4.3) for risk management.


Top management shall define and documenta  policy for  establishing  criteria for  risk acceptability. The policy shall provide a framework that ensures that criteria are based upon applicable national or regional regulations and relevant International Standards, and take into account available information such as the generally acknowledged state of the art and known stakeholder concerns.


NOTE 1  The manufacturer’s policy for establishing criteria for risk acceptability can define the approaches to risk control: reducing risk as low as reasonably practicable, reducing risk as low asreasonably achievable, or reducing risk as far as possible without adversely affecting the benefit-risk ratio. See ISO/TR 24971[9] for guidance on definingsuch policy.

制造商用于建立风险可接受性标准的方针可以定义风险控制的方法:将风险降低到合理可行的最低水平,将风险降低到合理可实现的最低水平,或在不损害利益比率的前提下尽可能降低风险。有关定义此类方针的指南,请参见ISO / TR 24971 [9]。

Top management shall review the suitability of the risk management process at planned intervals to ensure continuing effectiveness of the risk management process and shall document any decisionsand actions taken. If the manufacturer has a quality management system inplace, this review may be part of the quality management system review.


NOTE 2 The results of reviewing production and post-production information canbe an input to the review of  the suitability of the risk management process.


NOTE 3 The documents described in this subclause can be incorporated within thedocuments produced by the

manufacturer’s quality management systemand these documents can be referenced in the risk management file.


Compliance is checked by inspection of the appropriate documents.


4.3 Competenceof personnel


Persons performing risk management tasks shall be competent on the basis of education, training, skills and experience appropriate to the tasks assigned to them. Where appropriate, these personsshall have knowledge of and experience with the particular medical device (orsimilar medical devices) and its use, the technologies involved or the risk management techniques employed. Appropriate records shall be maintained.


NOTE Riskmanagement tasks can be performed by representatives of several functions, eachcontributing their specialist knowledge.


Compliance is checked by inspection of the appropriate records.


4.4  Riskmanagement plan


Risk management activities shall  be planned.  For  the particular  medical  device being  considered, themanufacturer shall establish and document a risk management plan in accordancewith the risk management process. The risk management plan shall be part of therisk management file.


This plan shall include at least thefollowing:


a)  thescope of the planned risk management activities, identifying and describing the medical device

and the life cycle phases for which each element of the plan is applicable;


b) assignment of responsibilities and authorities;


c) requirements for review of risk management activities;


d) criteriafor risk acceptability,  based  on the  manufacturer’s  policy for  determining  acceptable risk, including criteria foraccepting risks when the probability of occurrence of harm cannot be estimated;


NOTE 1 The criteria for risk acceptability are essential for the ultimate effectiveness of the risk management process. For each risk management plan the manufacturer needs to establish risk acceptability criteriathat are appropriate for the particular medical device.


e)    amethod to evaluate the overall residual risk, and criteria for acceptability ofthe overall residual risk based on the manufacturer’s policy for determining acceptable risk;


NOTE 2 The method to evaluate the overall residual risk can include gathering and reviewing data and literature for themedical device being considered and similar medical devices on the market and can involve judgment by a cross-functional team of experts with application knowledge and clinical expertise.


f) activitiesfor verification of the implementation and effectiveness of risk control measures; and


g) activities related to collection and review of relevant production and post-production information.


NOTE 3 See ISO/TR 24971[9] for guidance ondeveloping a risk management plan and on establishing criteria for risk acceptability.

注3:关于制定风险管理计划和建立风险可接受性标准的指南,请参见ISO / TR 24971 [9]。

NOTE 4  Not  all parts of  the plan  need  to be  created at  the same  time. The  plan or  parts of  it  canbe

developed over time.


If the plan changes during the life cycleof the medical device, a record of the changes shall be maintained in the risk management file.


Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.


4.5  Riskmanagement file


For the particular medical device being considered, the manufacturer shall establish and maintain a risk management file. In addition to the requirements of other clauses of this document, the risk management file shall provide traceability for each identified hazard to:


—   the risk analysis;


—   the risk evaluation;

—   分析评价;

—   the implementation and verification of the risk control measures; and

—   风险控制的实施和验证;

—   the results of the evaluation of the residual risks.

—   剩余风险评价的结果

NOTE 1 The records and other documents that make up the risk management file can form part of other documents and files required, for example, by a manufacturer’squality management system. The risk management file need not physically contain all the records and other documents.However, it needs to contain at least references or pointers to all required documentation, so that the manufacturer can assemble the information referenced in the risk management file in a timely manner.


NOTE 2 The risk management file can be in any form or type of medium.


NOTE 3 See ISO/TR 24971[9]  for guidanceon establishing a risk management file for components and  devices that were designed without using ISO14971.

注3:关于未使用ISO 14971设计的组件和器械建立风险管理文件的,请参见ISO / TR 24971[9]。

5 Riskanalysis


5.1 Riskanalysis process


The manufacturer shall perform risk analysis for the particular medical device as described in 5.2 to 5.5. The implementation of the planned risk analysis activities and the results of the risk analysis shall be recorded in the risk management file.


NOTE 1  If a risk analysis or other relevant information is available for asimilar medical device, that analysis or information can be used as a starting point for the new risk analysis. The degree of relevance depends the differences between the medical devices and whether these introduce new hazards or significant differences inoutputs, characteristics, performance or results. The extent of use of anexisting risk analysis is based on a systematic evaluation of the effects that the differences can have on the occurrence of hazardous  situations.


NOTE 2 See ISO/TR 24971[9]  for guidance on selected risk analysis techniques and on risk analysis techniques

for in vitro diagnostic medical devices.

注2:关于选择的风险分析技术和体外诊断医疗设备的风险分析技术的指南,请参见ISO / TR 24971 [9]。

In addition to the records required in 5.2to 5.5, the documentation of the conduct and results of the risk analysis shall include at least the following:


a)    identification and description of the medical device that was analysed;


b)    identification of the person(s) and organization who carried out the risk analysis; and


c)    scopeand date of the risk analysis.


NOTE 3 The scope of the risk analysis can be very broad (as for the development of a new medical device with which amanufacturer has little or no experience) or the scope can be limited (as foranalysing the impact of a change to an existing medical device for which muchinformation already exists in the manufacturer’s  files).


Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.


5.2 Intendeduse and reasonably foreseeable misuse


The manufacturer shall document the intended use of the particular medical device being considered.


The intended use should take into account information such as the intended medical indication, patient population, partof the body or type of tissue interacted with, user profile, use environment, and operating principle.


The manufacturer shall also document reasonably foreseeable misuse.


This documentation shall be maintained inthe risk management file.


NOTE 1 The use specification (see 3.23 ofIEC 62366-1:2015[13]) can be an input to determining the intended use.

注1:使用规范(参见IEC 62366-1:2015 [13]的3.23)可以作为确定预期用途的输入。

NOTE 2 See ISO/TR 24971[9]  for factorsto consider in determining the intended use and for an explanation   of

reasonably foreseeable misuse.

注2:参见ISO / TR 24971 [9],在确定预期用途时应考虑的因素以及对合理可预见的滥用。

Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.


5.3 Identificationof characteristics related to safety


For the particular medical device being considered, the manufacturer shall identify and document those qualitative and quantitative characteristics that could affect the safety of the medical device. Where appropriate, the manufacturer shall define limits of those characteristics. This documentation shall be maintained in the risk management file.


NOTE 1 See  ISO/TR  24971[9] for  a  list of questions  that can serve  as a  guide  in identifying medical device characteristics that could have an impact on safety.

注1:参见ISO / TR 24971 [9]中的问题列表,这些问题可以用作识别可能对安全性产生影响的医疗器械特性的指南。

NOTE 2 Characteristics related to loss or degradation of the clinical performance of a medical device that can result in unacceptable risk, are sometimes referred to as essential performance (see forexample IEC  60601-1[12]).

注2:可能导致医疗器械临床性能丧失或退化有关的风险不可接受,有时被称为基本性能(参见IEC 60601-1 [12])。

Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.


5.4 Identificationof hazards and hazardous situations


The manufacturer shall identify and document known and foreseeable hazards associated with the medical device based on the intended use, reasonably foreseeable misuse and the characteristics related to safety in both normal and fault conditions.


For each identified hazard, the manufacturer shall consider the reasonably foreseeable sequences or combinations of events that can result in a hazardous situation, and shall identify and document the resulting hazardous situation(s).


NOTE 1 A sequence of events can be initiated in all phases of the life cycle, e.g. during transport, storage,installation, maintenance, routine inspection, decommissioning and disposal.


NOTE 2 An explanation of the relationship between hazard, hazardous situationand harm including examples

is given in Annex C.


NOTE 3 Risk analysis includes the examination of different sequences or combinations of events related to asingle hazard that can lead to different hazardous situations. Each hazardous situation can lead to different types of harm.


NOTE 4 When identifying hazardous situations not previously recognised, systematic techniques for  risk  analysis that cover the specific situationcan be used. Guidance on some available techniques is provided in ISO/TR24971[9].

注4:在识别以前未认识到的危害处境时,可以使用涵盖特定情况的系统的风险分析技术。ISO / TR 24971 [9]提供了一些可用技术的指南。

The documentation shall be maintained inthe risk management file.


Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.


5.5 Riskestimation


For each identified hazardous situation,the manufacturer shall estimate the associated risk(s) using

available information or data. For hazardous situations for which the probability of the occurrence of harm cannot be estimated, the possible consequences shall be listed for use in risk evaluation and risk control. The results of these activities shall be recorded in the risk management file.


The system used for qualitative orquantitative categorization of probability of occurrence of harm  and

severity of harm shall be recorded in the risk management file.


NOTE 1 Risk estimation incorporates an analysis of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of the harm. Depending on the area of application, only certain elements ofthe risk estimation process might need to be considered in detail. For example,when the harm is minimal, an initial hazard and consequence analysis could  be sufficient, or when insufficient information or data are available, a conservative estimate of the probability of occurrence can give some indication of the risk. See also ISO/TR 24971[9].

注1:风险估计包括对伤害发生概率和伤害严重性的分析。根据应用部位的不同,可能仅需要详细考虑风险评估过程中的某些要素。例如,当危害最小时,要求充分的初步的危害和分析的结果,或者,当没有足够的信息或数据可用时,对发生概率的保守估计可以为风险提供一些指示。另请参见ISO / TR 24971 [9]。

NOTE 2 Risk estimation can be qualitativeor quantitative. Methods of risk estimation, including those resulting from systematic faults, are described in ISO/TR 24971[9], which also gives information useful for estimating risks forin vitro diagnostic medical devices.

注2:风险估计可以是定性或定量的。ISO / TR 24971 [9]中描述了风险估算方法,包括由系统故障引起的风险,该方法还提供了有用的信息,可用于估算体外诊断医疗器械的风险。

NOTE 3 Information or data for estimating risks can be obtained, for example,from:


—   published standards;

—   发布的标准

—   scientific or technical investigations;

—   科学或技术调查;

—   field data from similar medical devices already in use, including publicly available reports of incidents;

—   来自以投入的使用的类似医疗器械的现场数据,包括可公布的事故报告;

—   usability tests employing typical users;

—   使用典型用户的可用性测试;

—   clinical evidence;

—   临床证据;

—   results of relevant investigations or simulations;

—   有关调查或模拟的结果;

—   expert opinion; or

—   专家意见;

—   external quality assessment schemes for in vitro diagnostic medical devices.

—   体外诊断医疗器械的外部质量评估计划。

Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.


6 Riskevaluation


For each identified hazardous situation,the manufacturer shall evaluate the estimated risks and determine if the riskis acceptable or not, using the criteria for risk acceptability defined in therisk management plan.


If the risk is acceptable, it is not required to apply the requirements given in 7.1 to 7.5 to this hazardous situation (i.e., proceed to 7.6) and the estimated risk shall be treated asresidual risk.


If the risk is not acceptable, then the manufacturer shall perform risk control activities as described in 7.1 to7.6.


The results of this risk evaluation shall be recorded in the risk management file.


Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.


7  Risk control


7.1 Riskcontrol option analysis


The manufacturer shall determine risk control measures that are appropriate for reducing the risks to

an acceptable level.


The manufacturer shall use one or more of the following risk control options in the priority order listed:


a)    inherently safe design and manufacture;


b) protective measures in the medical device itself or in the manufacturing process;


c)  information for safety and, where appropriate, training to users.


NOTE 1 The rationale for the priority order in selecting the risk control options is given in A .2.7.1.

注1:选择风险控制选项时优先顺序的依据在A .2.7.1中给出。

NOTE 2 Risk control measures can reduce the severity of the harm or reduce the probability of occurrence of

the harm, or both.


NOTE 3 See ISO/TR 24971[9] for guidance on providing information for safety.

注3:关于提供安全信息的指南,请参见ISO / TR 24971 [9]。

Relevant standards should be applied aspart of the risk control option analysis.


NOTE 4 Many standards address inherentsafety, protective measures, and information for safety for medical devices. Inaddition, some medical device standards have integrated elements of the risk management process (e.g. electromagnetic compatibility, usability, biological evaluation). See ISO/TR 24971[9] for information on the role of International Standards in risk management.

注4:许多标准都针对医疗设备的固有安全性,防护措施和安全信息。此外,某些医疗设备标准还整合了风险管理流程的要素(例如电磁兼容性,可用性,生物学评估)。有关国际标准在风险管理中的作用的信息,请参见ISO / TR 24971 [9]。

The risk control measures selected shall be recorded in the risk management file.


If, during risk control option analysis,the manufacturer determines that risk reduction is not practicable,

the manufacturer shall conduct a benefit-risk analysis of the residual risk (proceed to 7.4).


Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.


7.2 Implementationof risk control measures


The manufacturer shall implement the risk control measures selected in 7.1.


Implementation of each risk control measure shall be verified. This verification shall be recorded in the

risk management file.


NOTE 1 Verification of implementation can be performed as part of design and development verification or

process qualification within a quality management system.


The effectiveness of the risk controlmeasures shall be verified. The results of this verification shall be

recorded in the risk management file.


NOTE 2  Verificationof effectiveness can be performed as part of design and development validation within a quality management system and can include testing with users. See A .2.7.2.


NOTE 3 Verification of effectiveness can also be performed as part of design and development verification or process qualification, if the relationship between the effectiveness in risk reduction and the result of design and development verification or process qualification is known.


EXAMPLE 1 Design  verification of  a  certain performance  characteristic,  such as  dose  accuracy of  a  drug injector, can serve as verification ofeffectiveness of risk control measures ensuring safe drug  dosing.


EXAMPLE 2  Process qualification can serve asverification of effectiveness of risk control measures related to

risk caused by variations in production output.


NOTE 4  See ISO 13485[5] for more information on design and development verification and validation. See also
ISO/TR 24971[9] for more guidance.
注4:有关设计和开发验证与确认的更多信息,请参见ISO 13485 [5]。另请参见ISO/ TR 24971 [9]。
Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.

7.3 Residualrisk evaluation
After the risk control measures areimplemented, the manufacturer shall evaluate the residual risk using the criteriafor risk acceptability defined in the risk management plan. The results of this evaluation shall be recorded in the risk management file.

If a residual risk is not judged acceptable using these criteria, further risk control measures shall be considered (goback to 7.1).
Compliance is checked by inspection of therisk management file.

7.4 Benefit-riskanalysis
If a residual risk is not judged acceptable using the criteria established in the risk management plan and further risk control is not practicable, the manufacturer may gather and review data andliterature to determine if the benefits of the intended use outweigh thisresidual risk.

If this evidence does not support the conclusion that the benefits outweigh this residual risk, then the manufacturer may consider modifying the medical device or its intended use (go back to 5.2).Otherwise, this risk remains unacceptable.

If the benefits outweigh the residual risk,then proceed to 7.5.
The results of the benefit-risk analysis shall be recorded in the risk management file.
NOTE See ISO/TR 24971[9] for guidance onperforming a benefit-risk analysis.
注:参见ISO / TR 24971 [9],以获取进行利益风险分析的指南。
Compliance is checked by inspection of therisk management file.

7.5 Risksarising from risk control measures
The manufacturer shall review the effectsof the risk control measures with regard to whether:
—   new hazards or hazardous situations are introduced; or
—  the estimated risks for previously identified hazardous situations areaffected by the introduction of
the risk control measures.
Any new or increased risks shall be managedin accordance with 5.5 to  7.4.
The results of this review shall berecorded in the risk management file.
Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.

7.6 Completenessof risk control
The manufacturer shall review the risk control activities to ensure that the risks from all identified hazardous situations have been considered and all risk control activities are completed.
The results of this review shall be recorded in the risk management file.
Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file.

8 Evaluationof overall residual risk
After all risk control measures have been implemented and verified, the manufacturer shall evaluate the overall residualrisk posed by the medical device, taking into account the contributions of allresidual risks, in relation to the benefits of the intended use, using the method and the criteria for acceptability of the overall residual risk definedin the risk management plan [see 4.4 e)].
在实施并验证了所有风险控制措施之后,制造商应按风险管理计划规定的剩余风险可接受准则评估医疗器械的总体剩余风险,并考虑所有剩余风险的贡献,以及与预期用途的受益。[参见4.4 e)]

If the overall residual risk is judged acceptable, the manufacturer shall inform users of significant residual risksand shall include the necessary information in the accompanying documentationin order to disclose those residual risks.
NOTE 1 The rationale for the disclosure of significant residual risks is givenin  A.2.8.

NOTE 2  See ISO/TR  24971[9] for guidance on the evaluation  of overall  residual  risk and  the  disclosure of
residual risks.

注2:关于评估总体剩余风险和披露剩余风险的指导见ISO / TR 24971 [9]。

If the overall residual risk is not judged acceptable in relation to the benefits of the intended use, the manufacturer may consider implementing additional risk control measures (go back to 7.1) or modifying the medical device or its intended use (go back to 5.2). Otherwise,the overall residual risk remains unacceptable.

The results of the evaluation of the overall residual risk shall be recorded in the risk management file.
Compliance is checked by inspection of the risk management file and the accompanying documentation.

9 Riskmanagement review
Prior to release for commercial distribution of the medical device, the manufacturer shall review the executionof the risk management plan. This review shall at least ensure that:
—   the overall residual risk is acceptable; and
—   总的剩余风险是可以接受的;
— the risk management plan has been appropriately implemented;
— appropriate methods are in place to collect and review information in the production andpost- production phases.
—   在生产和生产后阶段,采用适当的方法来收集和评审信息。
The results of this review shall berecorded and maintained as the risk management report and shall  be included in the risk management file.
The responsibility for review shall beassigned in the risk management plan to persons having the appropriate authority [see 4.4 b)].
风险管理计划中,宜赋予具有适当权限的人员以评审的责任。[见4.4 b)]。
Complianceis checked by inspection of the risk management file.

10 Production and post-production activities

10.1 General
The manufacturer shall establish, documentand maintain a system to actively collect and review information relevant to the medical device in the production and post-production phases. When establishing this system, the manufacturer shall consider appropriate methodsfor the collection and processing of information.
NOTE 1  See also 7.3.3, 8.2.1, 8.4 and 8.5 of ISO 13485:2016[5].
注1:另见ISO 13485:2016 [5]的7.3.3、8.2.1、8.4和8.5。

NOTE 2 See ISO/TR 24971[9] for guidance on production and post-production activities.
注2:关于生产和后期生产活动的指南,请参见ISO / TR 24971 [9]。
Compliance is checked by inspection of the appropriate documents.

10.2 Information collection
The manufacturer shall collect, where applicable:
a) information generated during production and monitoring of the production process;
b)  information generated by the user;
c) information generated by those accountable for the installation, use and maintenance of the medical device;
d)  information generated by the supply chain;
e)  publicly available information; and
f) information related to the generally acknowledged state of the art.

NOTE Information related to the generally acknowledged state of the art can include  new  or revised  standards, published validated data specific to the application of the medical device under consideration, the availability of alternative medical devices and/ortherapies, and other information (see also ISO/TR 24971[9]).
注:与公认的最新技术水平有关的信息可以包括新的或修订的标准,针对正在考虑中的医疗设备的应用而发布的经过验证的数据,替代性医疗器械和/或疗法的可用性信息以及其他信息(另请参见ISO / TR 24971 [9])。

The manufacturer shall also consider the need to actively collect and review publicly available information about similar medical devices and similar other products on the market.
Compliance is checked by inspection of the appropriate documents.

10.3 Informationreview
The manufacturer  shall  review the  information  collected for possible  relevance  to safety, especially
—   previously unrecognised hazards or hazardous situations are present;
—   存在以前无法识别的危害或危害处境;
—   anestimated risk arising from a hazardous situation is no longer acceptable;
—   由危害处境引起的估计风险不再可接受;
—   the overall residual risk is no longer acceptable in relation to the benefits ofthe intended use; or
—   就预期用途的受益,总的剩余风险已不再可以接受;
—   the generally acknowledged state of the art has changed.
—   现有技术水平已经改变。
The results of the review shall be recordedin the risk management file.
Compliance is checked by inspection of therisk management file.

10.4 Actions
If the collected information is determined to be relevant to safety, the following actions apply.

1)   Concerning the particular medical device,

—   the manufacturer shall review the risk management file and determine ifreassessment of risks and/or assessment of new risks isnecessary;

— if a residual risk is no longer acceptable, the impact on previously implemented risk control measures shall beevaluated and should be considered as an input for modification of the medical device;
如果剩余风险不再可接受,则应评估对先前实施的风险控制措施的影响,并应将其视为   医疗器械的输入;

—   the  manufacturer  should consider  the  need for  actions  regarding medical  devices  on  the market; and

—   any decisions and actions shall be recorded in the risk management file.

2)   Concerning the risk management process,

—  the manufacturer shall evaluate  the  impact on  previously  implemented risk management activities; and

— the results of this evaluation shall be considered as an input for thereview of the suitability of the risk management process by topmanagement (see 4.2).

NOTE Some aspects of  post-production  monitoring are the  subject  of some  national  regulations. In such cases, additional measures might be required (e.g. prospective post-production evaluations).

Compliance is checked by inspection of therisk management file and other appropriate document


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发表于 2022-3-8 21:55:58 | 显示全部楼层
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